Archive for the ‘News’ Category

Welcome to the February 2025 issue of my newsletter, “News from the Crypt,” and please visit Carter’s Crypt, devoted to my horror, fantasy, and paranormal romance work, especially focusing on vampires and shapeshifting beasties. If you have a particular fondness for vampires, check out the chronology of my series in the link labeled “Vanishing Breed Vampire Universe.”

Also, check out the multi-author Alien Romances Blog

To subscribe to this monthly newsletter, please e-mail me at, and I will add you to the list.

For other web links of possible interest, please scroll to the end.

In the romantic spirit of February, below is a teaser from my one Harlequin romance, EMBRACING DARKNESS, a stand-alone novel in the Vanishing Breed vampire universe. The publisher’s blurb:

Caring about her beyond a basic need to keep her safe, he could not. Maxwell Tremayne never should have touched her, kissed her, tasted her. It was foolish–dangerous–for a vampire to get involved with a human, let alone a flesh-and-blood spitfire of a woman with curves like Linnet’s. Maxwell had to remember that it was tragedy that had brought them together on this dangerous quest to catch a cold-blooded killer. Even if they survived this struggle unscathed, imagining that they could share anything more than a fleeting affair was as ridiculous as…imagining that he could live another hundred years without her.

You can find the e-book here:

Embracing Darkness from Harlequin

And here:

Embracing Darkness on Amazon

I’m thrilled to announce that the Wild Rose Press has accepted my light paranormal romance novella “Summertide Echoes.” Set in the Blue Ridge Mountains, it includes the ghosts of a Saint Bernard and a teenage girl.

Also in keeping with the month of Valentine’s Day, I’m interviewing romance author Lee Ann Sontheimer Murphy.


Interview with Lee Ann Sontheimer Murphy:

What inspired you to become a writer?

I was the kid who hung around the oldest family members to hear their stories. I was read to and learned to read early so it wasn’t long before I made up my own tales. The true inspiration was when my Granny showed me the class prophecy she’d written when she graduated and when I asked why she didn’t pursue a career in writing, she told me “I couldn’t but you should.”

What genres do you work in?

Romance, everything from contemporary to historical to suspense and sweet to heat. These days I primarily write sweet romance.

Do you outline, “wing it,” or something in between?

I always know how a new novel begins and how it ends. I wing everything in between.

What have been the major influences on your work (favorite authors or whatever)?

Some of my favorite authors are Susanna Kearsley, Carolyn Brown, and Sharon Sala.
The largest and most profound influence on my work came from my grandmother. Granny showed me a manuscript she’d written for her 8th grade graduation in 1912. I was fourteen and already wanted to become an author. It was well-written, and I asked her why she didn’t become a writer. She said, “I couldn’t but you should, and you can.”
Her life was far from easy so I understood why she couldn’t, but I took her words to heart and the torch was passed!

What kind of research did you do for the hero’s background in THE SCARRED SANTA?

One of my grandfathers had PTSD (although they didn’t call it that yet) after his service in the Pacific during World War II. I’m the daughter, niece, cousin, and granddaughter of veterans. I’m also an American Legion Auxiliary member. For research, I used print resources and talked with professionals at area VA hospitals and centers. I talked to veterans, too.

A common thread in your Wild Rose Press novels is the motif of a severely injured hero. Could you tell us more about your choice of that theme?

That’s true in the ones currently out although I have two upcoming Wild Rose Press titles where it’s not the case, but I’ll admit many of my novels (with other publishers) have a injured hero.
As for why I choose the theme, it’s because I’ve seen the resilience of many people under duress, after an accident or illness. It’s a way for my heroes to demonstrate their inner strength and yet be vulnerable to love. Also, it makes one heck of a plot device, too!

Please tell us what types of material we’ll find on your blog.

My blog is very eclectic. I write about life events dating back to childhood, guest other authors, share some of my work, and about anything. One of my most popular recent posts was “The Year of the Dictionary”, about receiving my first dictionary and what it meant to me. Another one was about my Pop (grandpa) and Buddy Poppies.
What is your latest or next-forthcoming book?’’
The third book in my historical Laredo series, The Birthright of Ezekiel Wilson, debuts from World Castle Publishing on February 24 and is now available for pre-order.

What are you working on now?

Pre-edits and trimming down word count for “Fear’s Sharp Edge”, under contract to Wild Rose Press as part of their new Men And Women of Valor series. I’m working on another for the same line as well.

What advice would you give to aspiring authors?

Sit down and write. Don’t listen to conflicting advice but follow your heart. Do learn proper punctuation and grammar. Believe that you can and will do this thing@

What is the URL of your website? What about other internet presence?


Coming in 2025, The Birthright of Ezekiel Wilson) Book three of the Laredo series, Fear’s Sharp Edge, Uglier Than Homemade Sin, The Cajun Cowboy and more!


Some Books I’ve Read Lately:

ADRIFT IN CURRENTS CLEAN AND CLEAR, by Seanan McGuire. This year’s new Wayward Children novel reveals the backstory of a secondary character in an earlier book, BENEATH THE SUGAR SKY. Uniquely in the series, Miss Eleanor’s school isn’t even mentioned in this installment. Nadya, abandoned at birth and lacking a right arm from the elbow down, spends her first eleven years in a Russian orphanage. She doesn’t mind having only one and a half arms, unable to miss what she’s never had. She watches over the younger children, rejoices in their adoptions, and has no desire to leave the institution herself, despite the prospect of “aging out” within a few years. She’s far from happy when a missionary couple adopts her and whisks her off to the alien land of America. Granted, she finds material comforts and luxuries there, but she never fits in. With her foster parents, there’s dutiful kindness on one side and dutiful obedience on the other, but no true understanding, much less love. They think they’re doing Nadya a great favor by fitting her with a prosthetic arm, which she detests. Deeply fond of turtles and tortoises, she visits the neighborhood pond as often as possible. When she comes across a turtle with “Be Sure” etched on its shell in Russian, she falls through a door-shaped shadow into a water world. Literally so, where even what she experiences as breathable “air” is just the highest, thinnest level of water. In this world, many people bond with the highly intelligent giant turtles that live alongside the human inhabitants. Adopted by a kind family, Nadya eventually forms such a bond and becomes a scout, exploring the wilderness with her beloved turtle partner. Unlike most between-realm travelers in these stories, she grows to adulthood in her proper world, in symbiosis with the water that enfolds her. Ultimately, she becomes not only an adventurer but a hero. She seems to have built an idyllic life, but, as longtime fans know, happiness in this series is always precarious. Like all the unique environments featured in the Wayward Children novels, the aquatic world is strange, captivating, and vividly described. Although I found this book (of course) enthralling and worthy of multiple readings – like its predecessors – it isn’t however, among my favorites. My reaction to the ending could be summarized as, “That’s it? No way!” Your mileage may vary. Fortunately, we can learn the rest of Nadya’s story by reading or rereading BENEATH THE SUGAR SKY.

MISS AMELIA’S LIST, by Mercedes Lackey. An Elemental Masters novel, set in the Regency period rather than the late nineteenth or early twentieth century like most of the series — PRIDE AND PREJUDICE with magic. In 1815, Amelia and her distant cousin Serena travel from their plantation home in the American South to England, where a male relative will introduce them into society. Amelia, who suffers from anxiety, composes lists to keep it in check. One major goal for this relocation is to find a husband for Serena, and Amelia makes a list of desirable qualities. Foremost, of course, he must be an Elemental magician. In this version of our world, most people aren’t aware of magic. But everyone employed on Amelia’s family estate – all of them paid servants, not slaves – knows about paranormal abilities, and some have gifts of their own. Serena herself, incidentally, has a trace of Black ancestry but passes as white. Moreover, she’s also a shapeshifter, although we don’t immediately learn what kind. She’s a Fire mage and Amelia an Earth Master. The recently concluded War of 1812 somewhat biases Amelia against the English, but she quickly finds friends among her new acquaintances (as well as, on the negative side, people who imagine America as a howling wilderness inhabited by barbarians). As for marriage, although unlike Serena she has no particular desire to wed, she’s not totally averse to the idea. The two young women plunge into the London social whirl, meet Elemental mages and Masters from all levels of class and wealth or lack thereof, search for a suitable country house, and make allies among the local nature spirits, e.g., brownies. Only near the story’s climax do they encounter the numinous terror of a major Elemental. This book wouldn’t offer a suitable introduction for a reader new to the series, because it presupposes some level of familiarity with the type of magic used by Lackey’s characters. Also, magic doesn’t figure prominently in the early part of the book, and the supernatural threat doesn’t surface openly until fairly close to the end. (Warning: The blurb gives away too much of that development.) The novel is as much comedy of manners as paranormal fantasy. A new reader might get frustrated and wonder when something would actually start happening. A longtime fan of Lackey’s work and the Elemental Masters world in particular, though, would probably agree with me in enjoying the characters and their interactions as Amelia and Serena navigate the social intricacies of their new environment. The two of them have delightfully different personalities but are equally strong characters, in the senses of being both well written and decidedly self-assured. As for the PRIDE AND PREJUDICE analogy, the girls deal with a charming, financially embarrassed rogue and a rather arrogant, rigid gentleman who underestimates Amelia and incites her to vague suspicion as well as annoyance. Naturally, surface impressions shouldn’t be taken at face value. Who ends up marrying whom may come as an entertaining surprise for many readers; it did for me.

THE GENETIC BOOK OF THE DEAD, by Richard Dawkins. The title refers to this book’s dominant metaphor of a palimpsest, a document whose text has been written over, sometimes more than once. On a literal palimpsest, the original words have been obliterated by the later ones. That isn’t the case with the genetic, anatomical, physiological, and behavioral traces that reveal the ancestral past of animals and other living creatures, so the metaphor isn’t perfect (as Dawkins notes) but still makes a fruitful device for contemplating the evolution of life on Earth. As the cover blurb puts it, every creature can be regarded as “an archive of the worlds of its ancestors.” What do an animal’s body structure, genome, and behavior inform us about the environment that shaped it? Naturally, it’s easy to tell a herbivore’s skull from a carnivore’s by their teeth. We can learn much more about the past of various species by observing present-day creatures, though. A lizard with skin like rocks and sand must have descended from ancestors that lived in a desert; the forebears of insects that look like twigs must have evolved in trees. Many other types of visual deception exist, some truly weird. The “palimpsest” can tell us about animals whose predecessors left the ocean to become land-dwellers, returned to the sea, and some cases even developed back into terrestrial animals. Convergent evolution can result in animals that look uncannily similar although not at all closely related, because they’ve developed to fill the same kinds of environmental niches. One page displays pictures of a variety of marsupials alongside their placental mammal counterparts, some almost indistinguishable to a casual glance. “Divergent” evolution, on the other hand, refers to closely related species that have developed so differently in different habitats that they look nothing alike, e.g., whales and hippos. And those topics take us less than halfway through the book. Some other broad subjects include “the immortal gene” and “variations on a theme,” with fascinatingly detailed examples. Dawkins devotes considerable attention to the concept of the “extended phenotype” (about which he previously wrote an entire book), especially in the chapter titled “Out Beyond the Body Wall.” A gene’s visible expression, such as eye color, is a “phenotype.” Dawkins explores how genes perceptibly affect features of the environment that aren’t parts of the organism itself. Obvious examples might be a bird’s nest or a beaver’s dam. In an exciting twist in the final chapter, we learn we may have acquired a nontrivial portion of our genes from ancient viruses. As a bonus, the book includes many color illustrations.

JOY, by Abigail Santamaria. The first in-depth biography of Joy Davidman Gresham, the wife of C. S. Lewis. (I recall the earlier book by her son Douglas, in contrast, as more of a personal memoir.) Of course, there’s much more to Joy than her marriage to Lewis in his late middle age, and this biography – subtitled, nevertheless, “Poet, seeker, and the woman who captivated C. S. Lewis” – contains a ton of information about her life and career new to me. (And, yes, the title of his autobiography, SURPRISED BY JOY, is purely a coincidence; it comes from a Wordsworth poem.) This book tells us in depth about her childhood, education, literary career, long-term membership in the American Communist Party, marriage to novelist and screenwriter Bill Gresham, plus their involvement in L. Ron Hubbard’s pseudo-science, their conversion to Christianity, and of course her relocation to England to meet and marry Lewis, followed by her cancer diagnosis, apparently miraculous temporary remission, and eventual death. Bill, by the way, gets a more three-dimensional treatment than the typical portrayal of him as mainly an abusive alcoholic. Joy comes across as a passionate, brilliant, idealistic, aggressively outspoken, and sometimes unlikable woman. Rumors that she deliberately formed a relationship with Lewis intending to seduce him if possible are confirmed. And yet the well-known story of their friendship’s growth into mutual, deeply devoted love is also true. Moreover, the account of their relationship reveals the extent to which Joy became virtually an uncredited collaborator on some of Lewis’s later works. To the question of the sexual element in their marriage, inexplicably doubted by an eccentric minority of scholars, yes, they definitely had a satisfying sex life, confirmed by independent evidence that corroborates Lewis’ frank statements in A GRIEF OBSERVED. Santamaria creates a fully rounded, meticulously detailed portrait of Joy that, while not glossing over her flaws, highlights her achievements, strengths, unique character, deep faith, and capacity for love. In addition to many photos of Joy from the age of two until three months before her death, the book includes thorough footnotes and index and an extensive bibliography. Recommended for hardcore C. S. Lewis fans as well as readers who simply enjoy well-written, sympathetic biographies of fascinating people.

For my recommendations of “must read” classic and modern vampire fiction, explore the Realm of the Vampires:
Realm of the Vampires



No sign of life stirred inside the building below. Maxwell Tremayne soared on silken wings, circling the three-story split-level. He didn’t worry about chance observers, since the house sat off the road in the center of a wooded lot. The vacant driveway only confirmed the emptiness his inhuman senses detected. Had the owner left temporarily or permanently? Permanently, if she has any discretion, he reflected. Not that her recent behavior suggested any.

He scanned the trees around the house. The sun had barely set, and its afterglow made his head ache and his eyes sting. He knew he shouldn’t have shapeshifted until full dark, but his patience had worn out. From this vantage point he would notice at once if his quarry, or anyone else, showed up. Amid random heat traces that he identified as small animals, a motionless patch of deeper red caught his eye. A human intruder. Max spiraled lower, shrouding himself in a psychic veil that rendered him invisible to human eyes. Through the summer-green leaves, he glimpsed a woman crouching near the edge of the woods. She watched the front of the house with a pair of binoculars.

Not a casual hiker, then, but someone who, like him, took a particular interest in this place. Still veiled, Max glided toward her. He landed a few yards away and let his body melt into wingless, fully human shape.

The female’s scent and the crackling of her aura conveyed fear, frustration, and tightly reined anger. Any ephemeral who knew the truth about that house would be wise to fear its owner, but the other emotions puzzled him, as did her intense watchfulness. She swatted a mosquito just below the cuff of her denim shorts without shifting her eyes from the binoculars.

His nostrils flared, savoring the salty tang of her flesh. The humidity made her T-shirt cling to her breasts. Her soft curves implied a wholesome disdain for obsessive dieting. The sweetness of her natural fragrance confirmed that sign of robust health. She had pale golden hair, a color never found in his own species. Cropped to just above her shoulders, it left her neck bare. If he had time for self-indulgence—

But I don’t. He shook his head, impatient with his own woolgathering. No matter how appetizing this ephemeral might be in other circumstances, here and now she presented a threat to his mission. He had to get rid of her.

-end of excerpt-

The long-time distributor of THE VAMPIRE’S CRYPT has closed its website. If you would like to read any issue of this fanzine, which contains fiction, interviews, and a detailed book review column, visit the Dropbox page below. Find information about the contents of each issue on this page of my website:

Vampire’s Crypt

All issues are now posted on Dropbox, where you should be able to download them at this link:
All Vampire’s Crypt Issues on Dropbox

A complete list of my available works, arranged roughly by genre, with purchase links:

Complete Works

For anyone who would like to read previous issues of this newsletter, they’re posted on my website here (starting from January 2018):


This is my Facebook author page. Please visit!

Here’s my page in Barnes and Noble’s Nook store:
Barnes and Noble

Here’s the list of my Kindle books on Amazon. (The final page, however, includes some Ellora’s Cave anthologies in which I don’t have stories):
Carter Kindle Books

Here’s a shortcut URL to my author page on Amazon:

The Fiction Database displays a comprehensive list of my books (although with a handful of fairy tales by a different Margaret Carter near the end):

Fiction Database

My Goodreads page:

Please “Like” my author Facebook page (cited above) to see reminders when each monthly newsletter is uploaded. I’ve also noticed that I’m more likely to be shown posts from liked or friended sources in my Facebook feed when I’ve “Liked” some of their individual posts, so you might want to do that, too. Thanks!

My Publishers:

Writers Exchange E-Publishing: Writers Exchange
Harlequin: Harlequin
Wild Rose Press: Wild Rose Press

You can contact me at:

“Beast” wishes until next time—
Margaret L. Carter

Welcome to the January 2025 issue of my newsletter, “News from the Crypt,” and please visit Carter’s Crypt, devoted to my horror, fantasy, and paranormal romance work, especially focusing on vampires and shapeshifting beasties. If you have a particular fondness for vampires, check out the chronology of my series in the link labeled “Vanishing Breed Vampire Universe.”

Also, check out the multi-author Alien Romances Blog

To subscribe to this monthly newsletter, please e-mail me at, and I will add you to the list.

For other web links of possible interest, please scroll to the end.

Happy New Year!

N. N. Light’s Book Heaven gave my new Christmas novella, “A Ghost in the Green Bestiary,” a fantastic 5-plus-star review. The reviewer comments, “There’s a sublime gothic vibe to the narration, making it impossible to put down. The world-building is immersive and captured my imagination. The characters, though, are what make ‘A Ghost in the Green Bestiary’ an unputdownable read.”

Ghost in the Green Bestiary Review

Continuing the holiday theme, we have an excerpt from “Little Cat Feet,” my YA fantasy Christmas story, based on the legend that animals can talk on Christmas Eve. The protagonist, Lauren, has run away from home and is trying to get to her grandmother’s house. She has just rescued a stray cat from a pair of cruel boys. The story is in my collection LOVE AMONG THE MONSTERS, which can be found here:


And here:

Other Vendors

This month I interview Pam Binder, a multi-genre author who has written books in the “Christmas in the Castle” series and other fiction for the Wild Rose Press (as well as other publishers).


Interview with Pam Binder:

What inspired you to become a writer?

Very easy question. My maternal grandmother inspired me to become a writer. She was a poet, and when I wrote to her, she would also send the letters back edited. I know that might sound harsh, especially when this started happening when I was seven, but it was a wonderful way for us to connect. She encouraged me to not just write about events in my day, but make them sound interesting and fun.

What genres do you work in?

I enjoy writing in many genres. I am published in Time Travel, Romance, Fantasy, Romantasy Young Adult, Contemporary Romance, Historical which includes, western, Middle Ages, Renaissance, and Regency.

Do you outline, “wing it,” or something in between?

I use a type of outline. I use the scene headings from Blake Snyder’s, Save the Cat, and Christopher Vogler’s A Hero’s Journey. Then I write a scene for each beat. When that is finished I expand my story.

What have been the major influences on your work (favorite authors or whatever)?

I read my first romance novel when I was in the fourth grade. My folks bought a house with a library, and the owner had left all of her books. Her book collection were novels written from the 1940’s. One of the books I selected was Forever Amber, by Kathleen Winsor. Forever Amber is a novel that tells the story of Amber St. Clare, an orphaned young woman who rises from poverty to become a courtesan in the court of King Charles II in 17th century England. Along the way, she has numerous lovers, including a nobleman, a soldier, and the king himself, while keeping her love for the one man she can never have. It was a beautifully written book that was turned into a movie. When my mother discovered I had read the book, the only thing she said was – “Do you have any questions?” I think I loved my mother even more that day. She did not believe in censoring books. From that day forward, I was hooked on historical romances. I even named my first heroine Amber.

Please tell us about your “Christmas in the Castle” novels.

The Christmas in the Castle novels, Christmas Proposal and Christmas Secrets, were fun novels to write. Of course, I made life challenging for my heroes and heroines, but they were strong and could handle a few bumps in the road.

What kinds of research do you do for your historical fiction?

I conduct extensive research. The stories I write take place in cities and countries I’ve visited, which gives me a real sense of place. I also have a room I’ve turned into my home library. The sections cover, the United States, Scotland, England, Ireland, and a few countries in Europe. I have books on weapons and costumes from different time periods, histories of the countries, legends, political and religious trends throughout history, and much more. I know people go on line for their research, but you need to be careful and always check your sources. I believe in books.

How does the process of writing for the shared-world “Haunting of Pinedale High” series work?

I was very lucky and the process with The Wild Rose Press was smooth. They had a clear vision for the series. When I received the contract for Raven Spirit, I was told that my book would be released second. With that in mind, authors under contract met via email to discuss their books. Each of our plots were different. The constant was the location, and a few reoccurring characters. If we mentioned any of these reoccurring characters, we needed to make sure they were described the same in each story. These characters did not have to be main characters.

Tell us about some of the writing workshops you present.

Great question. I teach two 9- month workshops, but I am considering breaking them out into shorter sessions. The first is WRITE YOUR STORY. In this series you will write at least two scenes per class. You have the opportunity to turn in three pages per week that I will review as well as consult with you on your scenes. At the end of WRITE YOUR STORY you will have a finished draft. The second class is called EDIT YOUR STORY, and is designed to help you edit and polish your draft.

What is your latest or next-forthcoming book?

My latest book is Christmas Secrets, which was released on December 11.

What are you working on now?

I am working on both another Christmas Regency, as well as a Romantasy. Look for both in 2025.

What advice would you give to aspiring authors?

Never give up. A keynote speaker at a conference asked this question which I never forgot. “Do you know the difference between a published and unpublished author?” He paused and then said, “The published author never gave up.”

What is the URL of your website? What about other internet presence?

Pam Binder Author Website

Christmas Secrets

Raven Spirit


Some Books I’ve Read Lately:

ARILINN, by Marion Zimmer Bradley and Deborah J. Ross (mainly the latter, given that Bradley died in 1999). An attractive hardback with a full-color illustration printed directly on the cover instead of a dust jacket. I enjoyed this novel more than most other recent releases in the Darkover series; I was especially pleased that it doesn’t take place in the post-WORLD WRECKER era (my least favorite) but in a much earlier period. It’s set before the Ages of Chaos, at a time when Comyn alliances and the Tower system as we know them in books such as THE BLOODY SUN and HERITAGE OF HASTUR are just beginning to develop in a recognizable form. The story concludes with the founding of Arilinn Tower after a sequence of personally and politically traumatic events spanning many years. Ross does an admirable job of holding the reader’s interest over such a long period in the characters’ lives as they undergo drastic changes. Protagonist Leora Hastur, almost fifteen at the beginning of the story, discovers her laran (psychic gifts) unusually late, with a severe bout of “threshold sickness.” Her gifted older half-sister, daughter of their father’s deceased first wife, nurses Leora through the ordeal and helps her begin to control her powers. A feud with a neighboring household that soon erupts into open war leaves Leora scarred physically and mentally by the catastrophic outcome. She’s sent to a Tower for healing and training, while her half-sister goes to a different one to become a Keeper. Although Leora finds happiness and fulfillment at the Tower that she comes to think of as her true home, familial and political circumstances divert her from her chosen vocation. Meanwhile, the destinies of her younger siblings illustrate the various other life pathways open to Comyn offspring. Throughout, tensions with their parents’ expectations complicate the young Hasturs’ lives. Their mother holds particularly rigid views about suitable futures for them, not to mention the stepdaughter she regards coolly at best. The clash between Leora’s role as laran-wielder and her duty to her clan demonstrates the primary value aristocratic families place on young women, as bargaining chips in marriage alliances. This situation leads to the dramatic crisis in which she discovers the full extent of her gift. I found the conclusion completely satisfying, with Leora remaining a sympathetic, down-to-earth character even after her cataclysmic display of power. One quibble about the paratext: The back-cover copy isn’t a conventional blurb. Instead, it’s more like a synopsis, summarizing the entire plot up to the climactic confrontation near the end of the book. Since the novel is published by the MZB Literary Works Trust, I assume Ross herself wrote this material, and I was surprised to see it from such an experienced author. So if you object to spoilers, don’t read the back cover – or the identical summary on Amazon — first!

FEUDS, edited by Mercedes Lackey. The newest Valdemar anthology, with its theme clear from the title. Stories feature Heralds, Bards, Healers, and a handful of ordinary non-gifted folks as protagonists. Some tales are humorous, others darker, but none ends in tragedy. Heralds always manage to sort things out, although not necessarily to the complete satisfaction of all participants. Musical rivalries seem an especially popular topic with these authors. Long-running family grudges run a close second. On the more quirky side, we find a grim rivalry between master clockmakers and a competition between the chefs in a pair of wealthy households, which I especially like. High-profile contributors include Diana Paxson, Elisabeth Waters, and Rosemary Edghill. My favorite story in the volume is Lackey’s own, “Uncivil Blood.” I silently chortled with glee when I realized, a short way into the narrative, that this is a retelling of ROMEO AND JULIET. This anthology offers a can’t-miss treat for Valdemar fans and an entertaining introduction to the series for new readers. As for editorial material, the book includes detailed author biographies at the end but, to my disappointment as usual, no introduction.

GOLDEN LORD, by Mary Jo Putney. This sequel to SILVER LADY is the second installment in her new “Dangerous Gifts” series, set during the Napoleonic era. Characters from the first book reappear, but this novel can be read independently. The “Gifts” are psychic powers. As far as I can tell, in this slightly altered history their existence is generally known, and many people have weak, erratic levels of such abilities as clairvoyance, foresight, etc. The rare truly gifted people, however, are often viewed with suspicion, even regarded as “dangerous.” The series centers on the Tremaynes, a couple dedicated to rescuing neglected or abused gifted children. They find homes for some and bring up others themselves along with their biological offspring. Their oldest daughter, Tamsyn, is the protagonist of GOLDEN LORD. Near the beginning of the story, she and Cade, one of her foster siblings, travel to France on a covert mission. War breaks out between England and France while they’re on the Continent. During their attempt to return home, Cade gets arrested. To save him, Tamsyn poses as a poor but respectable Frenchwoman looking for work. Meanwhile, he falls into the grasp of a psychically gifted enemy agent with a personal grudge against him. Readers might expect Cade’s rescue to form the climax of the book, but as usual Putney devises a more complex story. Psychic torture has impaired his memory. When his long-hidden passion for Tamsyn surfaces, he mistakenly believes she’s his wife instead of his foster sister. Although shocked, as she reveals the awkward truth to him she discovers to her dismay that she harbors hitherto suppressed feelings in return. But how will this development affect the dynamics within their extended family? Must they deny their feelings for the greater good? And what about their highest priority, combatting the threat from Napoleon? Both principal characters are strongly developed and sympathetic, as one would expect from Putney. The wartime suspense and intrigue plotline are well balanced with the untangling and blossoming of the relationship between Tamsyn and Cade. An afterword by the author gives an overview of the historical background of the story. I eagerly look forward to the next volume.

For my recommendations of “must read” classic and modern vampire fiction, explore the Realm of the Vampires:
Realm of the Vampires


Excerpt from “Little Cat Feet”:

The bigger boy clutched her pendant. “Yo, what’s this? Real silver?”

Her heart pounding furiously, she said, “Don’t touch that.”

“Don’t tell me what to do.” He broke the chain with a quick jerk.

Lauren writhed in the smaller boy’s grasp. “Give that back!” she cried. “It’s my grandmother’s!”

“Yeah? What’ll you give us for it?” the boy with the buzz-cut asked. Relaxing his hold, he snaked one hand down her front to squeeze a breast, hard, through her shirt. Her head reeled with fear and anger. She kicked the larger boy in the shin, then wiggled around to face the smaller one. She drove a knee into his groin. He doubled over, groaning.

Hey, that really works!

The hefty guy was reaching for her. She shoved the palm of her hand into his nose. The crunching noise made her stomach lurch, but he stumbled backward. Thank God her mom had made her practice those moves.

Mentally giving thanks for her time on the girls’ cross-country team, too, Lauren bolted for the street. She sprinted around the corner and ducked into the next alley she came to. There, she dropped to her knees behind a dumpster and huddled in the deepest pool of shadow.

Unless she got super lucky, they would find her sooner or later. Probably sooner. The snow wasn’t falling heavily enough to cover her tracks right away. Meanwhile, those jerks had her pendant. Grandmama’s pendant. Fresh tears welled in her eyes. She choked down a sob to keep from making a noise that would give her away.

Now that she’d stopped running, the cold hit her anew. She hugged herself and shivered while the wind spattered her with damp snowflakes. She heard the two punks yelling to each other as they searched along the street. Another sound cut into her misery, a low hiss.

Glancing up and rubbing her eyes with a gloved hand, she found the orange tabby staring at her. Its pawprints lined up beside her own footprints. With a flick of its tail, the cat paced toward the far end of the alley.

A female voice said, “This way. Quickly, before those two catch up with you.”

Lauren looked frantically from side to side, searching for the woman who’d spoken.

The cat trotted back to her and rubbed insistently against her leg. “Get up! What are you waiting for? Follow me.” She headed for the alley’s outlet again.

Okay, that cat did not talk. I’m dreaming or losing my mind.

Nevertheless, the animal acted as if it wanted to lead Lauren somewhere, and it wasn’t like she had a better plan. She hauled herself to her feet and hurried after her feline guide. Around the back of the rowhouse that marked one side of the alley, the cat led her to a stoop and a boarded-up door. Behind the boards, the door stood an inch or two ajar. Picking its way up the three concrete steps, the cat nudged a spot where the planks had been broken to create a narrow opening.

“You should be able to fit through this hole, just barely,” the female voice said.

Not the cat. Definitely not. There must be some crazy bag lady ventriloquist hanging around.

The cat disappeared into the house. Kneeling on the stoop, Lauren stretched one arm through the gap. Maybe she could squeeze in there. Just barely, as her guide had said. The sound of the boys’ voices, louder and closer, made her decision for her. She pulled on the splintered plank to widen the hole. After pushing her backpack inside, easing the door open farther in the process, she lay on her stomach and wiggled through the narrow space. Once she turned on her side to fit her shoulders in, she didn’t have much trouble getting the rest of her body through. The boards closed on her like pincers. Luckily, she had layers of clothes to keep her from getting scraped raw. Her heart raced in panic when her hips got stuck.

“Faster,” the guiding voice hissed.

-end of excerpt-

The long-time distributor of THE VAMPIRE’S CRYPT has closed its website. If you would like to read any issue of this fanzine, which contains fiction, interviews, and a detailed book review column, visit the Dropbox page below. Find information about the contents of each issue on this page of my website:

Vampire’s Crypt

All issues are now posted on Dropbox, where you should be able to download them at this link:
All Vampire’s Crypt Issues on Dropbox

A complete list of my available works, arranged roughly by genre, with purchase links:

Complete Works

For anyone who would like to read previous issues of this newsletter, they’re posted on my website here (starting from January 2018):


This is my Facebook author page. Please visit!

Here’s my page in Barnes and Noble’s Nook store:
Barnes and Noble

Here’s the list of my Kindle books on Amazon. (The final page, however, includes some Ellora’s Cave anthologies in which I don’t have stories):
Carter Kindle Books

Here’s a shortcut URL to my author page on Amazon:

The Fiction Database displays a comprehensive list of my books (although with a handful of fairy tales by a different Margaret Carter near the end):

Fiction Database

My Goodreads page:

Please “Like” my author Facebook page (cited above) to see reminders when each monthly newsletter is uploaded. I’ve also noticed that I’m more likely to be shown posts from liked or friended sources in my Facebook feed when I’ve “Liked” some of their individual posts, so you might want to do that, too. Thanks!

My Publishers:

Writers Exchange E-Publishing: Writers Exchange
Harlequin: Harlequin
Wild Rose Press: Wild Rose Press

You can contact me at:

“Beast” wishes until next time—
Margaret L. Carter


Welcome to the December 2024 issue of my newsletter, “News from the Crypt,” and please visit Carter’s Crypt, devoted to my horror, fantasy, and paranormal romance work, especially focusing on vampires and shapeshifting beasties. If you have a particular fondness for vampires, check out the chronology of my series in the link labeled “Vanishing Breed Vampire Universe.”

Also, check out the multi-author Alien Romances Blog

To subscribe to this monthly newsletter, please e-mail me at, and I will add you to the list.

For other web links of possible interest, please scroll to the end.

Wishing you joyous winter holidays!

No interview this month.

Below is an excerpt from my 2021 Christmas e-book novella, “Chocolate Chip Charm,” which you can find here:

Chocolate Chip Charm

Stacy hears that her old boyfriend, Rob, has broken up with her best friend, whom he was dating. Wanting the best for them, she playfully decides to try a love potion recipe, which she adds to the dough of the cookies she’s baking for the church choir Christmas party. Although it probably won’t work, it can’t hurt, either, can it?


Some Books I’ve Read Lately:

EMORY’S GIFT, by W. Bruce Cameron. I’ve enjoyed all of Cameron’s dog adventures that I’ve read, especially the trilogy beginning with A DOG’S PURPOSE. Emory, however, is a grizzly bear. Unlike the dog novels, this book doesn’t include any scenes from the animal’s viewpoint. At the age of thirteen, Charlie, whose mother has recently died, meets a bear that appears more than an ordinary beast, almost preternaturally so. The narrative begins, however, with a framing prologue set twenty-five years later, when Charlie has grown up to be a professional zoologist with an ursine specialty. Without this perspective, I would have found the early chapters of the main story almost too sad to continue reading. The prologue and epilogue let us know that (1) Emory definitely doesn’t behave like a typical bear, and (2) in the long run Charlie and his father will turn out all right. In the summer before Charlie starts the eighth grade, shortly after his mother’s death, his dad withdraws into depression and barely interacts with the boy. While walking alone in the woods, Charlie runs across a grizzly bear and remembers wildlife-encounter strategies he learned from his father in happier times. This animal, though, doesn’t act threatening. After Charlie introduces himself to the strangely docile beast and writes his own name with a stick on the ground, the bear scratches the name “Emory” in the dirt. As days and weeks go on, Charlie progresses from feeding the bear to sheltering him in an unused storage shed. Meanwhile, in addition to keeping this secret, Charlie copes with his strained father-son relationship and the school bully who persecutes him. Evidence of Emory’s uniqueness accumulates, eventually convincing Charlie’s father that the bear is no ordinary animal. I found it hard to suspend disbelief in a sapient grizzly bear until the introduction of a paranormal element that makes the premise plausible, at least on its own terms. When Emory’s presence becomes known to the neighbors and the sheriff, wildlife officials appear on the scene, determined to relocate the bear or even euthanize him. He becomes a local celebrity. At the climax, a newsworthy standoff develops between Emory’s defenders and the authorities trying to take him away. After he’s gone (I’m being deliberately vague to avoid spoilers) and the excitement dies down, prevailing opinion holds that Emory must have been an escaped circus bear or that the entire long episode was an elaborate hoax. Only Charlie and his father know the truth. In later years, even Charlie has occasional doubts, but not enough to undercut his faith in the miracle that got him through the worst period of his life, bridging the chasm between his father and himself. His suffering the loss, in a sense, of both parents at once and finding comfort in his strange bond with a wild animal make the story deeply moving. The vivid descriptions of their semi-rural home and the surrounding landscape enhance the emotional intensity.

MY THREE DOGS, by W. Bruce Cameron. This variation on the “lost pets finding their way home” trope contains so many heart-wrenching incidents that I sneaked a peek at the final pages to make certain everything turns out right in the long run. No worries, Cameron never lets his readers down in that respect. Still, the book puts the titular dogs through a series of harrowing ordeals. With a bachelor owner named Liam, the dogs are Australian Shepherd Riggs, Jack Russell Terrier Luna, and Labradoodle Archie, a half-grown puppy rescued by Liam from a neglectful caretaker. When the main story begins (after a prologue introducing Liam and his brother), Liam lives with Sabrina, the first woman he’s been truly in love with, Luna’s special person. Liam’s brother, Brad, who has basically taken care of his younger sibling from their dysfunctional childhood on, doesn’t trust Sabrina not to let his brother down like every other relationship in the past. Liam buys fixer-upper houses, which he remodels and resells. Sabrina, discontented with this unsettled lifestyle, longs for stability. Just as Liam decides to make a certain house a permanent home and propose marriage, a catastrophic event derails his plans. This much we learn from the cover blurb. Again, I’m leaving the details vague because they’d involve too much of a spoiler. Suffice it to say that the dogs end up in a shelter and eventually get adopted into different homes, some less successful than others. Through the heroic efforts of Riggs, determined to reunite the “pack” and return to their person, the dogs find each other. Making their way back to Liam, however, proves even more difficult. The narrative’s alternation among various human and canine viewpoints provides a nice balance between the dogs’ naïve, limited, yet emotionally gripping concept of their plight and the broader perspective we get from the human characters’ experiences. Some readers may feel the plot depends a bit too much on coincidence, but it never stretches far enough to destroy suspension of disbelief. I got the sense that the setting is geographically compact enough to make the dogs’ ability to sniff out each other and their old home credible. In this new novel, Cameron gives us another of the realistically difficult yet ultimately feel-good adventures his fans expect, with his customary deep dive into a canine view of the world.

DARK CARNIVAL, by Ray Bradbury. This book is Bradbury’s first story collection, published in 1947, long out of print, and virtually unobtainable for most of that time. The one exception, a 2001 limited edition from Gauntlet Press, is almost entirely sold out, and the publisher’s website lists a price range of $500 to $1,000. The new release from HarperCollins is an affordable trade paperback. My one disappointment consists of the absence of any editorial material – no introduction or other commentary, not even bibliographic information about the individual stories’ original publication dates and venues. Still, I was thrilled to finally obtain this long-coveted, almost mythical work. Many of the twenty-seven tales, but not all, were reprinted in THE OCTOBER COUNTRY, the collection that made me a Bradbury enthusiast in my early teens. Some stories in DARK CARNIVAL were completely new to me. My favorite in this volume, however, remains “The Homecoming,” the debut of the delightfully creepy Elliott clan of vampires, werewolves, and witches. Like the Addams family, they share a strong kinship bond and project an impression that they consider themselves, rather than mundanes, the normal ones. To my surprise, this originally collected version contains unfamiliar material deleted from the reprint in THE OCTOBER COUNTRY. DARK CARNIVAL includes several other Elliott stories (but not one of the most poignant, “April Witch”). Every Bradbury fan will want to own it, and most devotees of the supernatural and fantastic unfamiliar with his short fiction will surely find something to please them here.

SOUTHERN FRIED CTHULHU, edited by James Palmer. As you might guess, this is an anthology of Lovecraft Mythos stories set in the American South. From the title and the cartoonish cover illustration, I expected mostly humorous tales. On the contrary, very few are, although many of the dark stories contain quirky touches. “The Dukes of Azathoth County,” by Michael Gordon, is one of the funny pieces. Another is “Off the Eatin’ Path,” by Mark Finn, in the form of a restaurant review. An installment in the “Bubba the Monster Hunter” series, by John G. Hartness, set in a sewage-treatment plant, is apparently meant to be funny; I found the scatological alleged humor more disgusting than amusing. Among the dark stories, I especially like “Deep Roots,” by Clay Gilbert, a variation on the archetypal Gothic trope of inheriting a strange old house with dark secrets. I was mildly surprised not to find a single work based on the Louisiana portion of Lovecraft’s ‘Call of Cthulhu.” Two complaints about the format of this trade paperback: Oddly, the authors’ names aren’t listed with their stories in the table of contents, and the typeface, in my opinion, is both too light and too small. However, most HPL fans would probably find this anthology worth reading.

For my recommendations of “must read” classic and modern vampire fiction, explore the Realm of the Vampires:
Realm of the Vampires

Excerpt from “Chocolate Chip Charm”:

The page was labeled, “To Awaken Love.” She scanned the list of ingredients. Nothing harmful or likely to ruin the taste of the cookies, just ordinary kitchen supplies such as cinnamon for heat, ginger for spiciness and protection, honey for sweetness, and cardamom to allegedly make the user irresistible. Sounds like flavoring for a mince pie. In fact, it sounded too simple to be magic, if there was such a thing. Reading on, she found a note at the bottom stating that passionate intention and a firm will were the most important components. The instructions finished with a charm to recite while mixing the potion. For best results, she should brew it in spring water. Okay, she had a plastic jug of that on hand.

The directions admonished the spellcaster to work with pure motives, seeking the best for the other person, not applying coercion. That’s exactly what I’m doing. I’m not trying to force them into anything. I only want what’s best for them.

With that mindset, trying a magic spell couldn’t be evil, could it? Besides, her grandmother wasn’t the type to dabble in anything morally dubious.

Stacy reread the whole thing once more, searching for any hidden trap of the kind that always seemed to lurk in fairy-tale enchantments. From all she’d read or heard, magic, like gaming, law, and computer programming, followed rules. This example of it looked safe enough, guaranteeing that the one who consumed the potion would fall in love with the next suitable person he or she saw. Suitable. Good, she’d run no risk of Rob’s developing a mad crush on the church office’s resident cat, like Titania and donkey-headed Bottom in Midsummer Night’s Dream. On the farfetched assumption that this enchantment worked, it couldn’t do any harm. Furthermore, the spell manual claimed the charm would wear off after seven days. In that time, the magical kick-start, if any, should revitalize Rob and Doreen’s mutual affection.

The recipe said to heat the water and pour it over the other ingredients to steep them. Unfortunately, the directions failed to include amounts. Filling a one-cup measure with bottled water, Stacy wondered how much of each spice went with a cup of liquid. I’ll just have to guess and hope the exact proportions aren’t critical. While the water heated in the microwave, she returned to the cookie dough. By the time she’d combined the dry ingredients and chocolate chips with liquid components, then stirred the mixture to even, lump-free thickness, the water for the potion was near boiling.

Deciding on a teaspoon of each flavoring, she scooped them into a sturdy mug and poured in the hot water. The aroma of the spice blend blossomed in the air. After stirring in a spoonful of honey, she inhaled a deep breath of the fragrance.

Pure intentions, she reminded herself. Strong will. She stared into the receptacle with the fiercest concentration she could muster. Okay, I will this magic to give Rob and Doreen the happiness they deserve.

With both hands cupped around the mug, she recited the prescribed incantation, altering the pronouns to invoke the charm on her friends rather than herself: “Be still, clear water. Bring tranquility to their love. Send them understanding of their true wills. Immerse them in the depths of their oneness, so that their troubles may end. So mote it be.”

A wave of lightheadedness swept over her. Her vision blurred, and her fingertips tingled. Rob’s image floated before her mind’s eye…tousled black hair, blue eyes with laugh wrinkles at the corners. A glow like noonday sunlight on a hot beach at midsummer suffused her, with a melting sensation in the pit of her stomach. Whoa! Just good friends, remember? Seconds later, her head cleared. She carefully set the hot cup on the counter. Did something just happen? Glancing around, she saw only the same old cream-colored walls, which needed repainting, the twenty-year-old stove and refrigerator, and the water-spotted sink. Doesn’t look a bit magical, does it? Those sensations must have come from the steam blowing in my face.

-end of excerpt-

The long-time distributor of THE VAMPIRE’S CRYPT has closed its website. If you would like to read any issue of this fanzine, which contains fiction, interviews, and a detailed book review column, visit the Dropbox page below. Find information about the contents of each issue on this page of my website:

Vampire’s Crypt

All issues are now posted on Dropbox, where you should be able to download them at this link:
All Vampire’s Crypt Issues on Dropbox

A complete list of my available works, arranged roughly by genre, with purchase links:

Complete Works

For anyone who would like to read previous issues of this newsletter, they’re posted on my website here (starting from January 2018):


This is my Facebook author page. Please visit!

Here’s my page in Barnes and Noble’s Nook store:
Barnes and Noble

Here’s the list of my Kindle books on Amazon. (The final page, however, includes some Ellora’s Cave anthologies in which I don’t have stories):
Carter Kindle Books

Here’s a shortcut URL to my author page on Amazon:

The Fiction Database displays a comprehensive list of my books (although with a handful of fairy tales by a different Margaret Carter near the end):

Fiction Database

My Goodreads page:

Please “Like” my author Facebook page (cited above) to see reminders when each monthly newsletter is uploaded. I’ve also noticed that I’m more likely to be shown posts from liked or friended sources in my Facebook feed when I’ve “Liked” some of their individual posts, so you might want to do that, too. Thanks!

My Publishers:

Writers Exchange E-Publishing: Writers Exchange
Harlequin: Harlequin
Wild Rose Press: Wild Rose Press

You can contact me at:

“Beast” wishes until next time—
Margaret L. Carter